Our church has been meeting in the heart of the Aigburth community since 2008 and we are persuaded that the good news of Jesus Christ is good news worth living for and sharing with others.
5 things are really important to us…
1. Reaching out
Our church is not a church of sorted people or perfect people, but people who have heard the news about Jesus Christ and trusted in him.
This news is about a saviour for lost people; God the Son who being born as a baby, lived and died in our place offering us forgiveness and new life in him.
We are convinced that this good news is not just for us to keep to ourselves but for us to share with others so a big part of our church life is working hard to find and take opportunities to tell people about the Lord Jesus.
Ask any member of our church how they became a Christian and they’d love to tell you more, or you can come along to any of our Sunday gatherings and find out more.
2. Growing together
We all have a lot to learn and our church is a community of “learners”, or more traditionally “disciples”. That is people who are following Jesus, learning about him, and being changed day by day into the likeness of his character.
That means our church is serious about understanding the Bible with the best of our brains, being honest about the questions and struggles that we’re having, and praying for the help of God’s Spirit to work in us to change us. Those convictions work out not just in the main gatherings of the church and in the youth ministry, but in the individual relationships in our church where together we encourage each other to keep going and keep growing as Christians.
3. Youth Ministry
It’s a privilege to have lots of children and young people in our church and we take seriously our corporate responsibility to teach them about Jesus and disciple them in the gospel.
We have midweek groups for 7-11’s, 11-14’s and 14-18’s all of which are a lot of fun and take seriously this desire to present the message of Jesus undiluted and relevantly with opportunity for questions to be asked and discussed.
4. Global Mission
It’s really easy for local churches to become so totally focused on themselves that they forget they’re part of a global church with responsibilities around the world.
As a church we want to take that seriously and have worked hard to build relationships with other churches not only in our city, region and country, but also around the world.
Recently we’ve been working with churches in Mongolia, the Balkans, Republic of Ireland and the US to train, send and resource the work of the gospel around the world.
5. Our local community
We love where we live and want to do the best job we can do of being good neighbours in our community.
In a neighbourhood where lots of community spaces have been lost to housing one of the most significant ways we help is by the provision of our hall to a wide variety of different community groups. Those don’t have to be Christian groups but do have to be offering something good and useful to our community.
At Christmas you will find us singing carols on the street and inviting people for carols and refreshments in the hall, we’ve also run community photography competitions and fun days.