Here’s What Is Happening Midweek…
Here’s some of our upcoming events that everyone is welcome to attend
Year 1-6 Kids Club

Friday Night Kids Club: 6:30 – 7:30pm
Year 1 – 6 are invited to Roots, for lots of games and Bible fun.
Aigburth Quiz Night

Saturday 15th March – 7:30pm
Join us, or bring your own team, for a Quiz Night with some puddings.
11-18’s Youth Group

Friday Nights: 7:30 – 9:00pm
Play games and study the Bible for 11-14’s. There is another group for 15-18’s from 8:30 – 10:00pm
Here’s What Is Happening Midweek…
Here’s some of our upcoming events that everyone is welcome to attend
Year 1-6 Kids Club

Roots Friday Night Kids Club: 6:30 – 7:30pm
Year 1 – 6 are invited to Roots, for lots of games and Bible fun.
Aigburth Quiz Night

Saturday 15th March – 7:30pm
Join us, or bring your own team, for a Quiz Night with some puddings.
11-18’s Youth Group

Friday Nights: 7:30 – 9:00pm
Play games and study the Bible on Friday Nights for 11-14’s. There is another group for 15-18’s from 8:30 – 10:00pm
The Story Of Our Church
Our church has been in Aigburth since 2008 with a passion to speak about the good news of Jesus Christ and also be a beacon of good news for our community. Most of our church members live in the streets around our building, their children attend the local schools, and so we want to seek to contribute positively to life in our neighbourhood.
Our building is also available to lots of community groups, providing a space to meet and hosting a range of activities run by local people.
What is a Christian?
Being a Christian isn’t about being a particular type of personality, or simply the kind of person who has faith. Rather a Christian is someone who has come to believe that Jesus Christ is the one they can trust in life and death, and why would they think such a thing? Well because he is the one who died to forgive them, rose again from the grave and is returning one day.
Growing together as Christians
The Christian life is intended to be one of change, growth and progress as we are “being transformed into the image of Christ from one degree of glory to another” (2 Corinthians 3:18). This growth doesn’t so much happen as we sit on our own at home reading a Bible but as we live out the Christian life together as a church family, using the means God has given us to encourage one another and spur one another on. This is centred on (but not limited to) our gatherings together on a Sunday as we hear God’s Word read, sung, prayed and taught.
Passionate about global mission
As a church we’re absolutely convinced that the message of Jesus is not just good news for us but for everyone, wherever they live. That means that we’re involved in a number of partnerships serving together to help both practically and spiritually in different parts of the world.

Over the last few years we’ve been partnering with a church in Ulanbaatar, Mongolia. The pastor of their church visited us in 2020/21 for a period of sabbatical and training and we’ve been supporting their church as they tell Mongolians the good news about Jesus Christ.

The Albanian speaking world is a corner of Europe that’s been through a lot of turmoil in recent years. The fall of communism, the break up of Yugoslavia, the Kosovo crisis and more recent earthquakes. As a church we’ve worked with a number of churches and projects in the region seeking to bring the good news of Jesus and provide practical relief.

Ever since we started as a church we’ve been praying for and supporting the ministry amongst students in Greece. Many of us first encountered the gospel as University students and through the work of IFES we’ve been involved in encouraging that same work in Greece.
Passionate about global mission
As a church we’re absolutely convinced that the message of Jesus is not just good news for us but for everyone, wherever they live. That means that we’re involved in a number of partnerships serving together to help both practically and spiritually in different parts of the world.

Over the last few years we’ve been partnering with a church in Ulanbaatar, Mongolia. The pastor of their church is currently with us in Liverpool for a period of sabbatical and training and we’ve been supporting their church reach out to families in the area.

The Albanian speaking world is a corner of Europe that’s been through a lot of turmoil in recent years. The fall of communism, the break up of Yugoslavia, the Kosovo crisis and more recent earthquakes. As a church we’ve worked with a number of churches and projects in the region seeking to bring the good news of Jesus and provide practical relief.

Ever since we started as a church we’ve been praying for and supporting the ministry amongst students in Greece. Many of us first encountered the gospel as University students and through the work of IFES we’ve been involved in encouraging that same work in Greece.
Reaching a new generation
We have a thriving youth work at Aigburth Community Church, with children from 0-18 all engaged each week in different groups and activities. Each of these groups is focused not just on being a fun, safe place to be, but also being a place where the good news of Jesus Christ is made plain and clear for our children and young people.