It matters how a church is led

Our church is “independent” meaning that it’s run by the members and not by any outside organisation or denomination.  This means that it’s the church members as a collective body who are finally responsible for what the church does, who it appoints to lead and what it teaches. They do this in accordance with our statement of faith and our church covenant.

This is important to us because although there are varying levels of maturity between Christians still the Bible is clear that everyone who trusts in the Lord Jesus is a “minister” of the church; that is someone who can encourage others, share the gospel and contribute to the running of the church, and we want to reflect that fact in the way we run the church.

Churches have been run like this for centuries and variously called “baptist”, “free”, “independent” or “congregationalist”.

Church Staff

Sam Brewer
Sam BrewerChurch Administrator
Sam moved to Liverpool in 1990 to study Art at Liverpool John Moores, this was when she met her husband, Berty and after a few years away in further education, they were both very happy to settle back in Liverpool in 1996. They have two kids, Jacob and Lola. If you want to, you can often find her running round Sefton Park, or she is in the church office Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings.
Marco Hipwell
Marco HipwellYouth & Children's Worker
Marco and his wife Joy have been in Liverpool since they got married after graduating from university. They have 4 daughters; Mariella, Renée, Florence and Camille. Marco works full time for our church where he is responsible for the children’s and youth work that happens on Friday nights.
Rich Grindey
Rich GrindeyInterim Church Manager
Rich was part of the planting team when Aigburth Community Church began. He has been a missionary to Kosovo, with his wife Naomi and 2 boys Ethan and Tom. Now, back in Liverpool, he works part time as our Interim Church Manager. He ensures that our various church meetings happen, that the staff team are well supported, and that our Sunday Services keep running.

Church Elders

Richard Moss
Richard MossElder
Edward Peck
Edward PeckElder
Jeremy Clark
Jeremy ClarkElder
John Critchley
John CritchleyElder
Rich Grindey
Rich GrindeyElder

Church Deacons

Gill Wilkinson
Gill WilkinsonDeacon for Practical Care
Stuart McClelland
Stuart McClellandChurch Treasurer
Marco Hipwell
Marco HipwellDeacon for Youth and Student Ministry
Rachel McClelland
Rachel McClellandDeacon for Sunday School
Graham KnealeTrustee
Naomi GrindeyDeacon for Music

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